Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Top 5 Tank Mobile Legends Gears

Hi there, this is gears for 5 my favorite tanks in Mobile Legends Bang Bang.

Halo guys, dengan adanya perubahan item-item di Mobile Legends Bang Bang sejak season 8, berikut saya update gears gears untuk beberapa tank favorite di Mobile Legends.

1. Akai

anti magic = Thunder Belt, Wizard Boots, Oracle, Athena's Shield, Sky Guardian Helmet, Wings of the Apocalypse Queen
fighter = Thunder Belt, Wizard Boots, Wings of the Apocalypse Queen, Blade of the 7 Seas, Endless Battle, Brute Force Breastplate
tank = Thunder Belt, Wizard Boots, WIngs of the Apocalypse Queen, Twilight Armor, Demon's Advent, Sky Guardian Helmet

Akai adalah tanker yang multi fungsi. Selain sebagai tank, beberapa player juga mencoba membuat build agar Akai menjadi fighter yang bisa sakit juga. Berikut gear nya.

2. Hylos
tank + mana = Clock of Destiny, Demon Shoes, Thunder Belt, Dominance Ice, Sky Guardian Helmet, Twilight Armor
anti magic = Clock of Destiny, Demon Shoes, Oracle, Cursed Helmet, Athena's Shield, Twilight Armor
Hylos adalah tank yang sangat berguna jika berhadapan dengan musuh yang memiliki magic yang kuat. Jika membuat build item untuk Hylos, focus pada mana agar bisa spam skill 2.

3. Lolita
tank anti mm = Thunder Belt, Warrior Boot, Courage Bulwark, Dominance Ice, Sky Guardian Helmet, Twilight Armor
anti magic = Thunder Belt, Warrior Boot, Oracle, Cursed Helmet, Athena's Shield, Twilight Armor
Lolita adalah tank yang memiliki perisai / shield sekaligus bisa memberikan support kepada tim kita. Lolita sangat berfungsi jika musuh memiliki marksman atau mage, contohnya Cyclop. Build Dominance Ice agar Cric musuh bisa dikurangi.

4. Grock
anti magic=dominance ice, demon shoes, cursed helmet, oracle, athena's shield, Twilight Armor
tank fighter= dominance ice, demon shoes, Wing of Apocalypse Queen, Blade of the 7 Seas, Endless Battle, Sky Guardian Helmet

Grock adalah salah satu hero yang memiliki damage sangat besar di early game. Jika memungkinkan Grock bisa dibuat menjadi setengah fighter dengan build Wing of Apocalypse atau Endless Battle.

5. Uranus
tank regen = dominance ice, demon shoe   , oracle, lightning truncheon, Sky Guardian Helmet, Twilight Armor
antimagic = dominance ice, demon shoe, oracle ,  Sky Guardian helmet, Athena Shield, Twilight Armor

Uranus adalah tank yang sangat cepat melakukan health regeneration. Walaupun di early game Uranus lemah dalam hal bertahan maupun menyerang, tetapi jika sudah mid to late game , Uranus menjadi sangat tanky dan susah dibunuh. Build Uranus dengan Sky Guardian Helmet agar regen nya makin kencang.

tag: tips item baru mobile legends, tips item uranus, tips item build akai season 8, tips item tank mobile legend.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Daftar Lengkap Heroes dan Skins Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Game MOBA paling popular di Indonesia (ehem...) ini sudah mencapai sekitar 64 heroes per May 2018. Hero-hero terbaru termasuk Selena, Chang' E, Kaja dan Aulrad segera akan di rilis di original server. Siapa saja hero-hero dan skins mereka yang ada di Mobile Legends Bang Bang, simak video ini:

Hero-hero Mobile Legends :

1. Akai (tank)
2. Alpha (Fighter)
3. Alucard (Fighter / Assassin)
4. Aurora (Mage)
5. Alice (Mage)
6. Aulrad (Fighter)
7. Angela (Support)
8. Argus (Fighter)
9. Balmond  (tank/fighter)
10. Bane (Fighter)
11. Bruno (Marskman)
12. Chang' E (Mage)
13. Chou (Fighter)
14. Clint (Marskman)
15. Cyclop (Mage)
16. Diggie (Support)
17. Estes (Support)
18. Eudora (Mage)
19. Fanny (Assassin)
20. Franco  (tank)
21. Freya (Fighter)
22. Gatotkaca  (tank/fighter)
23. Gord (Mage)
24. Grock  (tank)
25. Gusion (Mage / Assassin)
26. Hanabi (Marksman/Mage)
27. Harley (Mage)
28. Hayabusa (Assassin)
29. Helcurt (Assassin)
30. Hylos  (tank)
31. Hilda (tank)
32. Irithel (Marskman)
33. Jawhead (Fighter)
34. Johnson  (tank)
35. Kagura (Mage)
36. Kaja  (tank/Support)
37. Karina (Mage / Assassin)
38. Karrie (Marskman)
39. Lancelot (Fighter / Assassin)
40. Lapu Lapu (Fighter)
41. Layla (Marskman)
42. Lesley (Marskman/Assassin)
43. Lolita  (tank/Support)
44. Martis (Fighter)
45. Minotaur  (tank/Support)
46. Miya (Marskman)
47. Moskov (Marskman)
48. Nana (Support/Mage)
49. Natalia (Assassin)
50. Odette (Mage)
51. Pharsa (Mage)
52. Rafaela (Support)
53. Roger (Fighter/Marksman)
54. Ruby (Fighter)
55. Saber (Fighter)
56. Selena (Mage/Assassin)
57. Sun (Fighter)
58. Tigreal  (tank)
59. Uranus (tanks)
60. Valir (Mage)
61. Vexana (Mage)
62. Yi Sun-shin
63. Zhask (Mage)
64. Zilong (Fighter /Assassin)

tags: cara mendapatkan diamond gratis di mobile legends, cheat mobile legends, mendapatkan skin di mobile legends, hero paling kuat mobile legends, hero build terbaik, aulrad build, selena karina build, mobile legends paling cantik, chang'e tutorial, kaja hero support tutorial

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Makhikoi Episode 5 - Lost in Dynasties - Age of Empires 3 Custom Scenario

This is my custom scenario for game Age of Empires 3 title "Makhikoi Episode 5 - Lost in Dynasties". In year 2005, Age of Empires 3 was created by Ensemble Studio and become a very popular Real Time Strategy game. The game have been released with two Expansion Packs. The first expansion pack is The Warchiefs. In this expansion pack, there are new Native American Tribes minor civilization. In total, there are 19 Native American Tribes settlements where we can access via custom scenario editor. My whole Makhikoi Campaign was designed with an idea to play all 19 Natives American Units in one single scenario.

In this 5th custom scenario, I have put all 19 Native Tribes settlement so we can play them all in one single scenario. Here are the custom scenario descriptions :

Makhikoi Episode 5 - Lost in Dynasties

version : 1.00 (March 2018)
Author :
game version : The War Chiefs and The Asian Dynasties Expansion must present.

Screen shot for Makhikoi episode 5 - Lost in Dynasties - Age of Empires 3 custom scenario

DOWNLOAD from AoE3Heavengames

Single Player Custom Scenario:
Player 1 (Human) = Aztecs
Player 2 (Computer) = Japanese
Player 3 (Computer) = Chinese
Player 4 (Computer) = Indians

P1 enemies too all
P2, P3, P4  are neutral each other

The war has ended in the land of Nineteen Tribes. Makhikoi is summoned for a new adventure in the land of Dynasties. Makhikoi will be an Aztecs War Chief pitted in the middle of the hill surrounded by three Asians War Lords. He will need to survive the aggression of the Japanese, Chinese and Indians. Again, Makhikoi will be helped by all Nineteen American Tribes.

As with my previous scenario, this map is to enjoy the NAT units. This scenario has been designed to motivated player 1 to build all 19 trading post / settlements. When you build trading post , you'll received various rewards.

How to Win:
- Defeat all enemies

How to Play:
In Single Player > Custom Scenario

In Multi Player, if you wish to records the game you may want to play this in multi player setting. Just set the players as described above. Set to Classic mode to avoid using Trade Monopoly. The computer AI will never use Trade Monopoly. Player 1, we human, should never use it also. We don't need it. (I have try to forbid Trade Monopoly but it will always enable in the game, I think this is a bug)

Single Player Home City Deck:
- Copy attached file "HomecityX_Makhikoi5.xml"  to folder "..\Age of Empires III - Complete Collection\bin\Campaign\War Chief". This is default folder that contained all homecity for Warchief Expansion Campaign. This folder location can be varied depends on where you install your Age of Empires III files.  Warning , if you failed to copy my intended files into that folder, your home city deck will be nulled.
- You can set up your own home cities by copying the whole text in your British Home City (in Savegame\sp_Tenochtitlan_homecity.xml) and copied it into that HomecityX_Makhikoi5.xml files. Just learn the tag and set it up.

Multi Player The Home City deck:
Homecity deck already built in the scenario file when played as Multi Player.

Playing Level Recommended :
Expert. Enjoy the waves of enemies aggression.

If you want to change the playing level goto Scenario Editor, menu Scenario > Playtest Scenario > set player to 1 and set your desired playing level. Press CANCEL and then save the scenario.

Recommended Strategy: 
Fast Fortress


Starting bonus for P1 : 
1 Aztecs House (this is to avoid getting zero populations when played in multiplayer , a known bug)
Large Coin Crate and Large Food Crate
Advance Market Shipment

Build Trade Post bonus :
1 Trade Posts = Native Treaty shipment
3 Trade Posts = Advance Trading Post Shipment
5 Trade Posts = Native Lore Shipment
10 Trade Posts = Native Warrior Shipment
15 Trade Posts = Native Combat Shipment
19 Trade Posts = Blood Brother

Iroquois Light Cannon Shop and Sioux Corral Shop:
These are my custom shops created by triggers. The shop will sell you units for gold. The triggers are sometimes unstable but will not affect any important in the game.

And many on the map treasures and crates!

Native Trading Post Grouping Object:

Unlike previous scenarios, this one do not use any original grouping object.

- Be quick to gain economic upper hand or you'll be in trouble recruiting units
- Arrow Knight is designed for this scenario.
- Do not underestimated the Natives units, will all their tech, they will be strong in late game.
- Create as many trade post to get the bonus. Planned you trade post build sequence and see which settlements gives you the best support according to your strategy. The NAT units is not powerful in early game but their techs come in handy.

Please send me feedback when you played this scenario, will really appreciated it. For other Makhikoi Episodes and more please visit my blog : I have made several scenarios with all Native American Tribes sockets in it. This scenario have been played test by me and friends for months.

DO NOT HIJACK MY SCENARIO.....PLEASE....It takes large amount of times to create this!

Play the MAKHIKOI Campaign HERE :

Makhikoi Episode 1 - Nineteen Tribes
Makhikoi Episode 2 - Sioux and Natives Alliances
Makhikoi Episode 3 - Aztec and Natives Coastal Clash
Makhikoi Episode 4 - British vs Natives Rebellions
Makhikoi Episode 5 - The Natives Lost in Asian Dynasties
Makhikoi Episode 6 - The Natives in Cities of Wonders

Inilah Beberapa Update Penting di Mobile Legends Season 8

Mobile Legends Bang Bang buatan Moonton segera akan memasuki Season 8 alias Musim ke-delapan di bulan April 2018. Menurut postingan salah satu staff pengembang Moonton yang spesialis di bidang pengaturan battle field bernama Arnold, akan ada beberapa update penting yang terjadi di Season 8 Mobile Legends Bang Bang ini. Ini dia beberapa update penting yang harus kamu ketahui di Mobile Legends Bang Bang Season 8 :

Perubahan Ban Heroes Menjadi 4 Heroes
Perubahan paling hangat di Season 8 Mobile Legends Bang Bang adalah jumlah heroes yang bisa di ban di rank Epic ke atas menjadi empat (4) heroes, dari sebelumnya hanya 2 heroes. Ini adalah salah satu cara developer Moontoon mengatur balancing para heroesnya. Setelah berkutat cukup lama me-nerf dan me-buff heroes-heroes di Mobile Legends, akhirnya developer memutuskan untuk meningkatkan jumlah ban heroes menjadi empat.

Metode Draft Pick Heroes Yang Supportive
Menurut bang Arnold ini, :

" The selection helper’s main function is as follows: when selecting heroes in Draft Pick Mode, and players placed further down the selection order wish to use a certain hero, players placed higher in the selection order can help them to choose this hero in order to achieve a more ideal team line-up. "

Begini, pada waktu seleksi heroes, tampaknya pemain dengan nomor urut terdepan atau placed higer bisa mengusulkan atau membantu player yang ada dibuntut untuk memilih heroes yang cocok dengan komposisi tim. Detail dari feature ini akan disampaikan kelak menurut sumber.

Heroes Drafting Pick will be enhanced in Season 8 Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Inheritance / Penurunan Rank di Pergantian Season 8
Berikut adalah tabel penurunan rank yang akan diterapkan begitu terjadi pergantian season 7 ke season 8. Artinya, rank yang sudah kami miliki sekarang akan turun sesuai dengan tabel di bawah ini. Tentunya setelah Moontoon bagi-bagi hadiah di akhir season berupa Seasonal Skin, Tickets dan Battle Point.

Tabel Penurunan Rank Mobile Legends di Pergantian season 8

Peningkatan Kekuatan Battle Spell Season 8 Mobile Legends
Perubahan ini mungkin yang paling akan mempengaruhi sistem tempur di Mobile Legends Bang Bang season 8. Berikut peningkatan fungsi dan kekuatan battle spell season 8 Mobile Legends Bang Bang :

Iron Wall  akan juga menurunkan damage yang diakibatkan dari tower.
Aegis akan memberikan shield / perisai untuk kita dan juga untuk salah satu heroes kita yang paling serius injured / terluka.
Weaken akan bisa memilih enemy hero yang paling tinggi attack power nya untuk dikenakan effect ini.
Sprint akan meningkatkan movement speed di beberapa detik awal tanpa ada decay.

Lord Akan Memiliki Range Attack
Perubahan penting Lord  di season 8 adalah, Lord akan memiliki range attack! Range / Jangkauan dari Lord untuk me-knock down penyerangnya juga akan meningkat. Menurut developer, ini akan membuat lebih sukar untuk merebut Lord jika lagi diserang musuh.

In Season 8 Mobile Legends Bang Bang, the Lord will have range attack and increased knock down range

Nerf Heroes seperti Kagura, Lesley dan Chou
Ketiga Heroes tersebut disebut oleh developer untuk menyusul updatenya. Kagura akan dibuat lebih kecil range umbrella / payungnya. Kagura saat ini memang menjadi meta heroes di MLBB dan sangat pasti diban di setiap battle. Diharapkan dengan nerf ini Kagura bisa menjadi lebih balance.

Lesley akan diupdate mekanisme skillnya. Menurut sumber, Lesley saat ini terlalu kuat di laning phase dan juga saat memburu heroes musuh. Mungkin Lesley akan dibuat lebih lama cool down untuk ultimate-nya ataupun yang lain. finger crossed.

Chou juga akan disesuaikan. Seperti diketahui Chou sudah terkena nerf yang membuat immunity menjadi lenyap. Perubahan ini cukup menggemparkan pengguna user Chou dan banyak yang merasa Chou langsung drop menjadi heroes biasa saja.

Berikut ini narasi asli dari sumber :

"We are currently preparing to adjust the range of Kagura’s Seimei Umbrella Open on the Advanced Server. After her ultimate was reworked, Kagura became very popular, and her ban rate rose dramatically. When laning with Kagura, we feel that all she needs to do is throw her umbrella in front of her to easily force you out of her umbrella’s range. At the same time, she is also able to either advance or retreat, which makes her difficult to deal with in many situations. When considering how to adjust her, we didn’t want to weaken her dexterity or excessive damage, as that would rob her of her essence, or strip her of follow-up actions after inputting certain sets of operations. So, we finally chose to make some adjustments to her skill range. We know that this may require everyone to adapt to her again, but we hope that this adjustment will allow her to retain a certain degree of responsiveness.

It hasn’t been so long since Lesley was launched, and in a very short period of time, she has become much-loved by many players. At the same time we have also received a lot of feedback about this hero being too strong. This feedback was mainly about her early game and laning problems, as well as her ultra-long range and high burst damage to fragile heroes in the late game. Because of this, we will adjust some of her mechanisms, with the main goal being to ensure that her capability to continuously deal damage is not changed, while slightly weakening her suppression in the laning phase and her threat to squishy heroes in the late game.

We feel that Chou is a hero riddled with contradictions; he is a very popular hero in the game, but is not so popular with it comes to Ranked Game viability. We hope that more people can experience the thrill of successfully landing a perfectly-placed roundabout kick, rather than just choosing Chou and playing him like any other hero. This also means that we cannot enhance his strength in the game. At the same time, we also need to give his skill effects more stable benefits in some places. We currently have some possible scenarios to test. And all of these plans will be tested on the Advanced Server, and we will make the final decisions on these heroes based on the test results. "

tags: info mobile legends bang bang season 8, guide dan mengapa chou nerf, kagura heroes terkuat masihkah, sepuluh heroes mobile legends paling kuat, heroes mobile legends paling sexy, mobile legends bang bang cara menang, pasti menang battle mobile legends, cara mendapatkan diamond mobile legends

Friday, March 9, 2018

Makhikoi Episode 4 - British vs Native Rebellions - Age of Empires 3 Custom Scenario

This is my custom scenario for game Age of Empires 3 title "Makhikoi Episode 4 - British vs Natives Rebellions". Age of Empires 3 is a Real Time Strategy game created by Ensemble Studio some 10 years ago. Age of Empires 3 is very popular RTS (real time strategy) game and I'm still playing it right now in 2018. The game have been released with two Expansion Packs. The first expansion pack is The Warchiefs. In this expansion pack, there are new Native American Tribes minor civilization. In total, there are 19 Native American Tribes settlements where we can access via custom scenario editor. My whole Makhikoi Campaign was designed with an idea to play all 19 Natives American Units in one single scenario.


In this 4th custom scenario, I have put all 19 Native Tribes settlement so we can play them all in one single scenario. Here are the custom scenario descriptions :

Makhikoi Episode 4 - British vs Natives Rebellions

version : 1.00 (March 2018)
Author :
DOWNLOAD from AoEHeavenGames

Single Player Custom Scenario:
Player 1 (Human) = British
Player 2 (Computer) = Iroquois
Player 3 (Computer) = Sioux
Player 4 (Computer) = Aztecs
Player 5 (Computer / Hidden) = Natives American or anything, doesn't have AI

Age of Empires III Custom Scenario - Makhikoi Episode 4 - British vs Natives Rebellions
screen shot and eye candy

P1 enemies too all
P2, P3, P4, P5  are neutral each other

The Nineteen Tribes dethroned Makhikoi as their War Chiefs and exiled him to the British camp. In this fourth scenario, Makhikoi must face everything he had seen from the Nineteen Tribes. He must rely on the British to face against the Iroquois, Sioux and Aztecs, all supported by 19 Natives American Units. There will be many obstacle along the way to reach the enemies.

As with my previous scenario, this map is to enjoy the NAT units. This scenario has been designed to motivated player 1 to build all 19 trading post / settlements. When you build trading post , you'll received various rewards.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Mobile Legends - Ayo Lihat Contekan Quiz Edisi March 2018

Game MOBA yang beken di Android / iOs yaitu Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) kembali mengelar kuis di bulan March 2018. Bagi penggemar game kapak-kapakan ini, mari bergabung untuk mengadu info mengenai game Mobile Legends. Saat nya membuktikan kalian nerd atau

Hi guys, here are the screenshots for the current running MLBB (Mobile Legends Bang Bang) Quiz. You can prepare yourself for this "exam"!

Berikut iklan Mobile Legends Bang Bang Kuis MLBB 2018

Nah... Para Bang Bang-ers... Jika kalian mengikuti kuis ini, akan ada 7 soal yang ditanyakan. Beberapa pertanyaan kuis sangat sederhana tapi ada juga yang susah dan membutuhkan pengetahuan dalam untuk bisa menjawab dengan benar. Mari kita lihat 10 contekan quiz Mobile Legends Bang Bang MLBB quiz edisi Maret 2018 :

Pertanyaan : Jika Assassin membunuh buff monster, mana dan energi konsumpsion nya akan berkurang sedangkan penetrasi serangan / attack akan meningkat : Betul atau Salah... Jawabannya : BETUL

This is a Mobile Legends Bang Bang quiz that runs from March 1st - 14th 2018 : Quiz sample are :
If an Assassin kills a buff monster, their mana and energy consumption will be reduced, and attack penetration will be increased - Corret or Incorret

Equipment mana yang berguna untuk Physical Attack ?
A Bloodthirsty King B. Corrosion Scythe C. Warrior Boots D. Blade Armor

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Makhikoi Episode 3 - Aztecs and Natives Coastal Clash

This is my custom scenario for game Age of Empires 3 title "Makhikoi Episode 3 - Aztecs and Natives Coastal Clash". As everyone knows, Age of Empires 3 was created by Ensemble Studio some 10 years ago. Age of Empires 3 is very popular RTS (real time strategy) game. The game have been released with two Expansion Packs. The first expansion pack is The Warchiefs. In this expansion pack, there are new Native American Tribes minor civilization. In total, there are 19 Native American Tribes settlements where we can access via custom scenario editor.


In this 3rd custom scenario, I have put all 19 Native Tribes settlement so we can play them all in one single scenario. Here are the custom scenario descriptions :

Makhikoi Episode 3 - Aztecs and Natives Coastal Clash

version : 1.00 (March 2018)
Author :

Single Player Custom Scenario:
Player 1 (Human) = Aztecs
Player 2 (Computer) = British
Player 3 (Computer) = French
Player 4 (Computer) = Spain

Age of Empires 3  Custom Scenario - Makhikoi Episode 3 - Aztecs and Natives Coastal Clash

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Makhikoi Episode 2 - Sioux and Natives Alliance - Age of Empires 3 Custom Scenario

This is my 2nd custom scenario for game Age of Empires 3, a RTS game created by Ensemble Studio. Age of Empires 3 is very popular RTS (real time strategy) game that first debut in the '90 and then the third version release in 2005. The game have been released with two Expansion Packs. The first expansion pack is The Warchiefs. In this expansion pack, there are new Native American Tribes minor civilization. In total, there are 19 Native American Tribes settlements where we can access via custom scenario editor.


In this custom scenario, I have put all 19 Native Tribes settlement so we can play them all in one single scenario. If you haven't play the firs scenario, download it HERE - Makhikoi Episode 1 - Nineteen Tribes.

Here are the custom scenario descriptions :

Makhikoi Episode 2 - Sioux and Natives Alliance

version : 1.00 (February 2018)
Age of Empires 3 version : required The Warchief Expansion Pack
Author :
Download from AoE3 Heavengames 

Makhikoi Episode 2 - Sioux and Natives Alliance Screen shot
(decorated for Eye Candy purposes)

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Makhikoi Episode 1 - Nineteen Tribes - Age of Empires 3 Custom Scenario

This is my custom scenario for game Age of Empires 3, created by Ensemble Studio. Age of Empires 3 is very popular RTS (real time strategy) game. The game have been released with two Expansion Packs. The first expansion pack is The Warchiefs. In this expansion pack, there are new Native American Tribes minor civilization. In total, there are 19 Native American Tribes settlements where we can access via custom scenario editor.


In this custom scenario, I have put all 19 Native Tribes settlement so we can play them all in one single scenario. Here are the custom scenario descriptions :

Makhikoi Episode 1 - Nineteen Tribes

version : 1.00 (February 2018)
Age of Empires 3 version : required The Warchief Expansion Pack
Author :

This is screen shot from the scenario, but being decorated for eye candy purposes

or at AoE3 Heavengames

Single Player Custom Scenario:
Player 1 (Human) = Iroquois
Player 2 (Computer) = Sioux
Player 3 (Computer) = Aztec
Player 4 (Computer, invisible) = Native Americans (or substitute with Iroquois in Multiplayer, or anything else, doesn't matter in gameplay)

P1 enemies too all
P2, P3, P4 are neutral each other

Makhikoi is new comer to the land of Native American Tribes. In this first scenario, Makhikoi will be on Iroqouis side. In this land, all nineteen Native American Tribes are present. My main goal in this custom scenario is to enjoy the NAT units. I have design this scenario to motivated player 1 to build all 19 trading post / settlements. When you build trading post , you'll received various rewards.

How to Win:
- Defeat all enemies
- Build 19 Trading Posts / Native settlements